How is Energy Healing different from traditional therapy?

Traditional therapy can be an exhausting routine of reliving traumas over and over.  When working with energy, reliving every detail of a past trauma isn't necessary. Your inner wisdom already knows all the details -- we just need to find the emotions held with that memory. Through Energy Healing, those emotions (anger, fear, betrayal, etc.) are released from the body AND the energy field. This doesn’t erase the memory of the incident, but releases the emotional pain of it, allowing you to move forward. Energy Therapy gets to the root of the problem on an energetic and emotional level quickly and efficiently.


How long is a private session?

The session is 50 minutes for a full session, or 30 minutes for a mini session.


Is an Energy Therapy session like a psychic reading?

No, I don't predict the future. Healing is about clearing blocks, traumas, phobias, false beliefs -- anything holding you back from being your best self. Once the negative thinking and self-talk is gone, you will experience more peace and clarity. Then you are more focused and trusting of yourself to make YOUR OWN decisions for your journey through life.

It is in clients’ best interests to get connected with their own intuitive wisdom and then trust that wisdom to bring them the answers for their own life.


Do I have to believe in this for it to work on me?

No, I have worked on people who believe this will not work for them initially.

Your body’s intuitive wisdom will process and benefit from what it knows is for your highest good, whether or not your conscious mind thinks it’s “a little out there.” Also, your higher self will automatically disregard anything that it deems is not in your best interest. The integrity of the SimplyHealed Method(R) never allows anything to be integrated without first checking if it’s for your highest good. Of course, you can consciously block any of it from being accepted, if you are happy and comfortable living in a lower vibration.


What is meant by “clearing generational issues”?

Just as we inherit our ancestors’ physical DNA, we also carry their emotional DNA. Many times we are upset by something and think to ourselves, “Why do I react so strongly to that?” Well, guess what -- sometimes it’s not even our issue! If we have an ancestor who went through trauma, or had a particular negative belief pattern and we inherited that emotional tendency, then when we are presented with certain life situations it seems to be magnified for us.

When doing generational work, tendencies that run in a family line are cleared for all in that lineage. So by clearing generational issues, you are also helping many relatives you are not even aware of!

Generational issues are very common in this work. They can be attached to a variety of different issues. Common issues that are carried in the family lines are depression, addictions, abuse and financial problems. Suicidal tendencies can also a Generational issue, and can be easily cleared from the energy.

Fortunately,  much research is now being done on this topic. It is scientifically known as BIOGENETIC DECODING. It's encouraging to see the science world catch on to energy work.


How is this Healing Work done long-distance?

Because energy is not limited by time or distance, the work is just as powerful whetherworking with someone one on one or speaking over the telephone. When doing phone sessions, I simply muscle-test on myself to get the feedback from the client’s energy. Likewise, I do the integration on myself for the client. Frequently I have a client comment that they have felt a "shift" in their energy the instant I did the integration.


How soon will I notice results?

Energy shifts immediately with the integration, like a light switching on in a dark room. Most people report that they feel much “lighter” after the session -- because they literally are!  It's amazing how quickly negative feelings will disappear. Remember, "light" is stronger than "dark".  Emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, etc. have a very low vibration. Once released, the void where those emotions were formerly held is automatically filled with light, truth, love, forgiveness and joy—which are all very high vibrationally.

With some issues, you will immediately notice they are no longer there because you are not worried about them anymore. That worry is replaced by peace. Many people notice, myself included, that certain situations that once caused stress no longer do. With other issues, although the energetic changes are in place, you may not be in a situation where you recognize the change right away. For example, if I work on someone to increase their self-confidence as a public speaker, and then they are not in that situation again until a month later, they probably won’t notice the change until a speaking assignment arises. But in the meantime, they usually enjoy greater confidence in other areas of their life as well.

In my own experiences, I have had times when I have cleared something within myself, and felt a shift instantly. Other times, I haven't noticed anything different until I was in a stressful situation. So, in many cases, the fact that you are no longer bothered by certain things makes it easy to simply forget that you previously had a problem with it.

Results in the physical body will follow after it is released from the energy, since the body mirrors the energy.


Can Energy Therapy help me lose weight?

Absolutely! Many people put on weight as a protection without being consciously aware of it. When you clear your fears and/or past traumas that contributed to the weight gain in the first place, the need for the extra weight is no longer there. Pay attention to your self-talk: “I can’t lose weight,” “I am so fat,” “It doesn't matter how hard I try.”  Whether true or not, we allow these beliefs into our subconscious mind, then our behaviors align themselves with our beliefs. That is why so many people gain the weight back each time they lose it—although their body has changed, they still have those false, unworthy beliefs lodged deep in their subconscious mind.

By working with your body’s energy system, we can reprogram those negative inner statements to positive ones such as, “It is safe for me to be thin,” “I am worthy of success,” “I love my thin, healthy body,” “I am fit and strong,” "exercise is fun," etc. Now, with your behaviors lining up with those positive thoughts, of course your body will drop the excess pounds!

Also, weight issues can come from hormonal, generational, or other physiological origins.  These can be cleared as well!


I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what course in life I want to pursue. How can Energy Healing help me?

Everyone has their own intuition; however, sometimes we can't tune into it because there is too much inner "noise". For example, think of yourself at a concert hall trying to listen to a symphony. Now imagine a rock concert going on on another stage in the same room -- too much noise! You're not going to be able to enjoy the symphony. Likewise, our energy can be chaotic. Because Energy Healing brings balance to the systems, the "noise" can be quieted, allowing us to tune in to that inner knowledge and brilliance that knows what is for our best.

I had a routine surgery several months ago, and haven't felt quite right since.  Can Healing help me with this?

Energy can easily be disconnected during surgery. Any kind of surgery is a trauma to the body. Energy Healing can reconnect things energetically, as well as release the trauma of the surgery from your system. It can restore energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. This alone can make a big difference in your level of energy. Also, it is wise to release the trauma from previous accidents, etc.

I don’t have any specific issues to clear; I’m just feeling a bit off balance, and out of sorts. How could a session help me?

Each session is unique to the person's needs. Some clients come with a list of things they are struggling with -- health concerns,  relationship troubles,  money problems -- and are already aware of the blocks they want to have released. Others just have a vague sense of feeling “off” or run down and want to get to the emotional root of the problem, but haven’t been able to figure out the source on their own.

At the beginning of a session, I will check your energy to determine the highest priority for that session.  I may test to work on connections, chakras, aura, meridians, body systems, etc. The energy knows what is needed, and in what order, so we will go with that guidance and the session will flow from there.


Will clearing my energy have an effect on my athletic, academic, and artistic performance?

Of course! When you are balanced and vibrant energetically, your entire system works better. Communication pathways throughout the body are then clean and clear, helping to promote peak performance. The body is balanced, and all systems are in harmony. You are able to be at your best in all areas. In addition, removing from your subconscious mind any lingering doubts about your ability or talent can make a huge difference in your performance.


How can I get a private session?